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Color Blindness: Different Types & Treatment

Color Blindness

What Is Color Blindness:

Color Blindness is the condition when a person is unable to see some colors correctly. Moreover, they are not able to accurately distinguish between certain colors. This is also known as color deficiency. This inability is between red, blue, or green. Simply, it is due to the absence of some cones. What are these? Actually, there are two types of cells in the retina. One is rods which detects light and darkness. Another one is cones that detect colors( primary color). There are three types of cone to identify each primary color. The disorder occurs when one or more cones are not present.

Causes Of Color Blindness:

Some people inherit this disorder from their parents or forefathers. This is known as a congenital condition.

Moreover, people may develop this dilemma later in their ages. There are several reasons for it as it can be due to

  • Drug reaction
  • Disease
  • Trauma
  • Vascular Disease

Types Of Color Blindness:

There are several kinds of inherited color blindness. Red-green and blue-yellow are the two main types of this disease.

Moreover, they have further two subtypes protan and deutan color blindness. Deuteranomaly is another type of this disorder. Five out of every 100 male suffers from deuteranomaly.

Deuteranopia Red-Green Colour Blindness

Deuteranopia is a subtype of red-green, also known as Deutan color blindness. This is perhaps a mild disorder. This is the most common type of this disorder. About 6% of the total population of the male is suffering from deuteranopia. In this green cone is missing. There are two subtypes of deuteranopia.

  1. Dichromats: In this medium, wavelength cones are missing. Here a person can be distinguished among two to three hues as compared to someone normal who can differentiate among seven. The person with dichromats is also known as green blind.
  2. Anomalous Trichromats: In this, green cones are present, but color sensitivity moves toward red. People with anomalous trichromats are considered as somewhat normal.

Interestingly some people are color blind from one eye whereas other eye works fine.

Blue-Yellow Colorblind:

Blue-yellow color blindness is a rare one. Tritan color blindness the other name of blue-yellow color blindness. Moreover, this condition is known as monochromacy. People can inherit this disease. This can be a result of some diseases, drug effects, or trauma. In this blue cones are either completely missing or are not performing well.

  1. Tritanomaly: Cones of blue color delivers limited functionality. In this, blue appears green. Moreover, one faces difficulty in distinguishing between yellow. Red also appears pink or vise verse. Male and females are equally affected by this disease.
  2. Tritanopia: People with tritanopia have no blue cones in the retina. To them, blue appears green, yellow looks like grey or violet. This is rare most between two and equally affecting male and female.

Protan Color Blindness:

Protan is another type of this blindness. In this red cones are present but unable to detect enough of red. Moreover, people with this type of disability are unable to identify orange, yellow, green, and even brown. The symptoms become more obvious in the case of dim light. Blacks and reds are not distinguishable especially when they are together. Pinks and blacks seem gray and blue to them.

Color Blindness Treatment:

Unfortunately, there is no known long term treatment. However, people with this disorder are facilitated with special glasses or filters. These glasses are specially designed and recommended by doctors for color blinds. Moreover, people sometimes use regular sunglasses, and that is effective too.

Color Blind Glasses:

Color Blind Glasses
Color Blind Glasses

 People, with this disease, can wear special glasses which reduces their symptoms. They were first founded in 2010. They look like simple sunglasses but are a great blessing for color blinds. These glasses filter some wavelengths establishing certain wavelength entering in eyes. The glasses are not fit for everyone. Even one pair generates different results for each patient. There are different variations of price. As for adults they are for $349 and for children it costs $269.

Partial Color Blindness

Partial blindness is usually associated with red color. Rarely people have green or blue color blindness. Even rarely, people are unable to distinguish between red at all. However, their recognization is limited to 2 or 3 hues. Science and doctors called this color deficiency rather color blindness in most cases.

Is Color Blindness More Common In Males Or Females

A male member of society is more likely to have this disorder. In all the races, less than one percent of girls are blind. Out of the total population, 8% of the male are color blind. Out of every 100, one must be red color blind.

Why Colour Blindness More Common In Males Than In Females

The question arises why men are more color blind as compared to female?. Ok male inherits more as compare to females. X chromosomes carry the genes which are responsible for this condition. Female has one X chromosomes, whereas the male has two chromosomes. So their chances of inheriting color blindness increase. A girl can be color blind only when both of her parents have color blindness.


Colour blindness is not a disease but it is a condition or aftereffects. Colorblind is inherited mostly. The best part is that its partial form is very common. Complete color blindness is hard to find. There is no permanent cure or medication; however, special color blind glasses (Enchroma) may make the situation favorable.

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