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Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms And Treatment

Vitamin D Deficiency

What is Vitamin D Deficiency?

There are 2 main types of Vitamin D

  • Vitamin D2 (Found in plant foods like mushrooms)
  • Vitamin D3 (Found in animal foods like salmon and egg yolks)

Difference between both types is just chemicals structure and the way they are manufactured.

2nd form of Vitamin is natural, which is D3, It makes naturally from sunshine in our body.

D3 is more powerful than D2.  If you are adult you need 600 International Units of Vit D per day for the best health of your bones.

Many Peoples search on google and ask us personally about Vitamin D Deficiency. So we think we should write an article on this on our readers demand. In this article, we will cover:

  • Risk Factors
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment

There are many risk factors for vitamin D3 deficiency

Some Risk Factors For Vitamin D3 deficiency

  • Peoples live in cold places are at more higher risk for Vitamin D Deficiency than the people live in the hot area. As we mentioned above it makes in our body from sunshine. If you live in the cold area there are fewer chances to absorb sun ray’s in your body than the peoples who live close to the equator.
  • Yes! Over Age is also a factor, Peoples who are above 70 are at risk.
  • The Peoples have bone or gastrointestinal disease are also at higher risk.
  • The Peoples who have dark skin tones are higher at risk than the peoples who have light skin.

So now we start from how to diagnose if you have Vitamin D Deficiency and what are symptoms?

Signs And Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency

Signs and symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency are hard to find and describe because they are so subtle.

But if you have this Deficiency you will found some of these symptoms:

  • Chronic Pain
  • Frequent Infections Or Getting Sick Often
  • Bone And Back Pain
  • Bone Loss
  • Hair Loss
  • Kidney Disease
  • Depression
  • Constant Fatigue
  • Many Cancers
  • Mental Illness
  • Problems With Pregnancy
  • Respiratory Issues
  • Obese
  • Muscle Weakness

Vitamin D deficiency may lead to other diseases. if you think you have some of these symptoms and if you are living in a cold area you should fix a meeting with your doctor as soon as possible.

We will recommend you to a blood test and check your Vitamin level.

Here are some Diseases Related To Vitamin D Deficiency

  • Prostate Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Influenza
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Skin Cancer
  • TB
  • Osteoporosis
  • Rickets
  • MS
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Pregnancy Problems
  • Obesity
  • Heart Diseases
  • Lupus
  • COPD

Where Can You get from Vitamin D?

Vitamin D Deficiency
Vitamin D Deficiency

There are some helpful and top ways to get Vitamin D3

  • Sunlight (Recommended)
  • Supplements
  • Vitamin Rich Foods

Sunlight (Recommended)

When this question comes to our mind first thing which we think about is one of the top ways to get vitamin D3 is by exposing your bare skin to  Sunlight. It is a natural and most powerful and helpful way to get Vitamin D3 than other methods either supplements or foods. When the Ultraviolet B rays hit your skin, a reaction takes place that enables your skin cells to prepare vitamin D3. You should take About 10 to 15 minutes of direct sunlight daily and twice in a day if you are fair skinned. For more results, when you go to sunlight don’t use sunscreen. It can reduce your risk for skin cancer also and gives a better result.


Supplements are easily available from Market (Health Food Stores / Pharmacy).

You can get Supplements in capsules or liquid form. Choose carefully when you are buying in one of them. We recommend Don’t purchase without your doctor’s prescription because (FDA) doesn’t regulate supplements.

If you have some other diseases, completely describe to your doctor and then ask him about how much and what kind of vitamin D3 supplement is best for you in this condition.

Vitamin D Rich Foods / Foods That Contain Vit D

Vitamin D Rich Foods
Vitamin D Rich Foods

From foods, You can’t get the right amount of this vitamin which is recommended for your body.

But we will mention some foods which can really help you. Some foods are mention below:

  • Fatty Fish (Such as salmon and halibut)
  • Dairy Products
  • Beef Liver
  • Egg yolks
  • Broccoli
  • Apricots
  • Peaches
  • Orange Juice

These are just some of the foods that contain vit D they can help you in improve your Vitamin D Deficiency.

How Much Vitamin D You Need?

Its a very important question, may peoples asks about this but no one can give an exact answer to this question. According to doctors they recommend 400–800 IU (10–20 mcg). But this dose is not for all peoples, and we can not apply this dose to every people. How much your body needs this vitamin it depends on some factors which are mention below:

  • Age

Age is a factor. If you are over age or underage this dose in not for you.

  • Skin Color

Skin color is also a factor as we mentioned above that if you are fair skinned then your needs are higher than others.

  • Current Level

First of all, you should know your current level of vitamin then use any treatment

Check Your Vitamin Deficiency Levels?

Here you can match your current level and you will get a better idea.

Deficient Levels: Less than 12 ng/ml (30 nmol/l).
Insufficient Levels: Between 12–20 ng/ml (30–50 nmol/l).
Sufficient Levels: Between 20–50 ng/ml (50–125 nmol/l).
High Levels: Greater than 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/l).

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