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Types Causes And Symptoms Of Brain Tumor

Beginning With Brain Tumor

When abnormal cells, mass or growth develop in the brain. Tumors are either cancerous and non-cancerous. Benign Tumors are not. cancerous and Malignant Tumors are cancerous. Brain Tumor firstly develops in your brain is on primary stage (Primary Brain Tumors). In other parts of the body, cancer development and may spread to your brain then its called secondary Brain Tumor.


Brain Tumor
Brain Tumor

Brain Tumor Quickly Grows

Tumor development and growing vary greatly because its depend upon growth location, and spread area. Location determines the effect of the brain tumor on the nervous system. When Malignant Tumors grow pressure under skull increases too much. It’s leading to brain damage and can be more life-threatening. Brain Tumors are of two types either primary or secondary. Primary brain tumors originate and develop in your skull. Secondary brain tumor called Metastatic brain tumor only occurs when cancerous cells grow too much in your other body organs and spread to your skull.

Types Of Brain Tumors

Types Of Brain Cancer
Types Of Brain Cancer

Primary Brain Tumors :

Originates from your brain. In brain develop from Brain cells, Brain surrounding membranes also called Meninges, Nerve cells, and also from Glands. In adults, most common brain tumors are Meningiomas and Gliomas.

Types Of Brain Tumors Explained

Gliomas: These tumors develop from glial cells. These cells are

  • Support your structure of the nervous system
  • Responsible for nutrition to the nervous system
  • Also clean brain cellular waste
  • Done breakdown of dead neurons

Brain Tumors in glial cells:

  • Astrocytomas, astrocytic develop in the cerebrum
  • Oligodendroglial tumors also originate frontal temporal lobes.
  • Glioblastomas, develop in supportive brain tissues and also from other these types of tissues.

Primary Brain Tumors explained:

  • Usually, benign tumors are pituitary tumors
  • Pineal gland tumors: also malignant or benign
  • Craniopharyngiomas develop mostly in children also benign and having symptoms like vision problems
  • Primary germ cells tumors of the brain which often benign and sometimes malignant
  • Meningiomas: develops in meninges of the brain

Secondary Brain Tumors explained:

Secondary brain cancer is also known as Metastatic. Secondary brain tumors also leading to the major brain cancer. They often start in one part of the body and then start to spread. Also, cause following types of cancers.

  • Lung Cancers
  • Breast Cancers
  • Skin Cancers
  • Kidney Cancers

Secondary Brain tumors often malignant which spread from one part of the body to another part of the body while Benign tumors not spread from one part of the body to another part of the body.

Possible Causes Of Brain Tumors

Risk factors conclude family history, age, race, chemical exposure, radiation exposure.

Family History: From all type s of cancers only 5 to 10 % cancers are generally family inherited. So it’s too much rear that brain tumor is family/genetically inherited.

Age: Increase in age risk factors increases of brain tumors.

Race: Brain tumors are oftenly generally common among Caucasians.

Chemical Exposure: Chemically exposure factor may increase the risk of brain tumor. So also on work places which are chemically handled most common brain tumors found.

Exposure to Radiation: Peoples generally exposed to ionizing radiations may increase the risk factor of the Brain tumor. Like nuclear power plants canbe exposed ionizing factors.

General Symptoms Of Brain Tumor

Headaches are the most common symptom in brain tumors. So you feel headache in following conditions.

In the morning when you wake up

Also, accur while you are sleeping.

When you exercising and sneezing.

Common Health Symptoms:

  • Vomiting
  • Double Vision or blurred vision
  • Confusion
  • Seizures especially in adults
  • Weakness of part of face or limb
  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty in reading and writing
  • Taste, hear, smell all changes occur
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Dizziness in day
  • Eye problems such that un.equal pupils and drops in eyes
  • Uncontrollable movements
  • Hand tremors
  • Balance loss
  • Tingling on the sides of the body
  • Changes in mood, personality, feelings, emotions
  • Muscles weakness in arms, legs and other parts of the body
  • Difficulty in walking

Method of Diagnosing Brain Tumors

Two ways of diagnosing brain tumors one the physical exam and second is medical history.

Physical exam includes a neurological examination. Doctor see your cranial nerves in detailed manners. Doctor may evaluate following procedures.

Muscle strength, Coordination, Memory, the ability of mathematical questions.

Head MRI

Head MRI
Head MRI

Brain tumors often detect by special dyes used in MRI. MRI is totally different from CT Scan because in MRI radiation doesn’t use. In MRI only detailed pictures of your brain captured to see in detailed.

CT Scan

CT Scan held by X.ray Machine with or without contrast. A special dye is used to gain contrast. Helps Doctor to see membranes, structures more clearly also Blood Vessels.


In angiography also dye used. Dye is travel to the arteries of the brain helps doctor to see blood supply of tumors. This information is used in surgery.

Skull X-Rays

Brain Tumors Breaks the Structures of Bones of the skull. So specific rays showed if it occurs. These x-rays also pics up the calcium deficiencies and deposits, which sometimes contain tumor.

Treatment Of Brain Tumors:

Most common treatment of malignant tumors is surgery. The aim is achieved by removing cancerous parts in brain without causing the damage of other healthy parts of brain and body. Risks of Brain surgery include bleeding and infection. Occupational therapy and physical therapy helps situation better after neurosurgery.

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